Queens College celebrates first-generation students with week-long event

Figueroa, director of Kessler Scholars Program at WashU, recognized by NASPA

First-gen students support the next generation of peers

Paying It Forward: First-Generation Higher Ed Professionals Empowering Current First-Gen Students

Promoting opportunity and connection: Kessler Scholars from four institutions to participate in undergraduate research at the University of Michigan
(June 11 | Ann Arbor, MI) A unique partnership designed to provide access to research opportunities and professional development for undergraduate students who are part of the Kessler Scholars Collaborative network of first-generation college students gets underway...
Defying the odds: From a start amid the pandemic, more than 100 first-generation students this spring reach college graduation with comprehensive support from the Kessler Scholars Program
Three programs celebrate first graduating cohorts from fall 2020 launch Ten new programs conclude a first year leading robust first-gen programming (May 2, 2024) Across the United States, as many as one-half of all students who enroll in college each year come...
Kessler Scholars Program Champions First-Generation Students at Syracuse University

‘Family for four years:’ Brown welcomes first cohort of Kessler Scholars